- i started a blog (again), posted fairly regularly until about February (again), then stopped completely (again): old habits die had, i suppose. but! here i am, updating the blog in June instead of deleting it in embarrassment, so maybe this new year will be different.
- i played Emily in Our Town (the title of this blog comes from that play, if you don't know it, stop everything you are doing, read it, and come back. i dare you not to cry): Emily has been a dream role of mine for year upon years, and i had the privilege of playing her this year with an amazing company of theatre artists (who became so much like family, that we all had a Thanksgiving together). also, it was my first lead role, so it's kindof a two for one deal.
- speaking of this fabulous company of artists... in January, i joined their ranks as a company member and finally found an artistic home in New Haven. thank you, NHTC.
- again related to Our Town and this blog's title, i got myself a tattoo. on February 11. A Tuesday. (Emily's birthday and the day she goes back to in the play-- it was just too perfect, and i am too much of a dork to let an opportunity like that to pass me by). the tattoo was, of course, inspired by Emily's final speech-- but it was also greatly influenced by my preacher giving a sermon the day after he saw Our Town. he was so affected by the play that he re-wrote his sermon. it's that powerful. (did i mention you should go read this play? seriously, just go. now.
4A. i will post pictures and a longer explanation of my tattoo soon. i just wanted to show my dad in person first. i still haven't told him so if he reads this before i see him (on SUNDAY!) , then he knows. i hope you're not upset, dad. - in December, i was confirmed in the Episcopal church. this is my second time being confirmed (i was confirmed as United Methodist when i was 13). i could go on and on about how much i love my church-- and our message of "God loves everyone, no exceptions." because it's true. and i'm so happy to be part of a progressive church family (and denomination) that fits my belief system, instead of me trying to fit myself into their system.
- so, of course, i joined the vestry of the church (that's sortof like the board of the church for those of you that don't know what a vestry is... i know i didn't before i was asked to be on it). being on vestry has added some stress to my life, but it's also made me have a greater understanding of what is going on in the entire life of the church (not just the spiritual side) and really own my church.
- i rode a bike (without training wheels) for the first time-- special thanks to my #hulkhusband for that one. it took less than a half hour in the back parking lot of LWT. and i haven't done it since. but i did it!
- i became a certified kids' yoga instructor through Karma Kid's Yoga. 30 hours of training made me laugh hard and play hard-- and do some things i didn't think i could do (i'm looking at you arm balances!) it was one of the most intense, best weekends of my year. (i was also in a show that weekend, so it was extra crazy!)
- thanks to my awesome friend, Marissa, i now teach kids' yoga on Saturdays and Sundays at The Classroom at Elm City Wellness. Marissa started The Classroom to give kids an "alternate to Saturday morning cartoons" and put me in charge of kids' yoga. it's a fabulous friend that pushes you, believes in you, and makes things happen for you.
- in September, i came to the new chiropractor partnering with ECW (that's Elm City Wellness, for those of you not following along) because my neck was in lots of pain. i had to keep coming twice a twice for a month, then once a week for a month, then just once a month... but doing this... and getting more massages along the way...helped me realize that massage and chiropractic work is not a luxury-- it is an integral part of my wellness routine. and you know what? i have never felt better, healthier, or happier in my body.
10A. you have only one body. take care of it. and, if it's between luxury coffee or eating out one week, i'd rather have the massage. - just last month, due to overwhelming allergies (i took a sick day because i couldn't function--and i never take sick days. something needed to be done), i decided to try acupuncture. Marissa had been telling me for over a year that it would help, and after one session, i wondered why i ever waited. the needles weren't bad (as long as you don't move-- i did involuntarily and it wasn't the best). within five minutes of the needles being in, i was breathing clearer than i had in months. after two, i didn't have to take my daily allergy medicine anymore (and we're going on 4 weeks now). i cannot recommend it enough. i guess it's going in the wellness regime. Ed even helped my knees last week. is there anything he can't do?
- at work, i adapted my first Shakespeare play: A Midsummer Night's Dream for 35 middle schoolers...which involved writing some ridiculous prologues (which i loved-- special thanks to Tara Sweeney for talking them through--they were a huge hit!) the production was incredibly well received by faculty and students alike-- and everyone said it made Shakespeare fun (and funny!), accessible, and they couldn't wait to do it again.
- i learned how to build puppets out of cardboard. we made a giant wolf head, Mother Goose, a frog, two birds, and five flat mice that transformed into horses. the puppets were featured in this year's original show at Meadowside: Grimms Meet Goose (which i wrote for 72 3rd-5th graders). what an undertaking that was! we had three students with "exceptionalities" this year-- and i'm so glad we could have an integrated theatre experience. to say i was proud of this show is an understatement.
- i planned and facilitated by first professional development for teachers as part of LWT's ED LAB. the workshop was titled "active storytelling: creating, adapting, and devising"-- and i think it was pretty stellar. i felt way accomplished (and it was taught the day after Grimms Meet Goose so it was extra badass)
- i discovered my love for string cheese-- particularly Polly-O brand while baby-sitting Max. i made him lunch of chicken nuggets and cheese, but he didn't want the cheese. i didn't want to throw out a whole cheese-stick....so i decided to just try it. and the rest is history. i eat it at least 2-3 times a day now. alert the newspapers. who am i?
- i got really into smoothies for several months-- and chia seeds. but at least i use them what they are meant for. i'm not a total hipster i swear. chia seeds and string cheese. does this make me an adult?
- i tried a lobster roll-- which was mostly mayo. i didn't like it. #hulkhusband thinks i should try regular lobster (no roll) and i'll like it. we shall see.
- i went to Maine for the first time ever. and i'm going back next week. oh Holton, you are the best of the relaxing/get-away-from-it-all places. a beautiful lake and the best dairy farm you can imagine (hello ice cream!)
- i achieved a life-long dream and became friends with a children's librarian-- the fabulous Sunnie Lovelace, everyone. she is my own personal Miss Honey. and a fabulous friend. she's super crafty and super smart and adventurous (she's going on an awesome climbing trip soon--more on this later). and i'm just so happy to have her in my life. also, she got me to eat bleu cheese on a burger.
- Kristy and i worked through our differences (and similarities). we are now good friends and awesome collaborators. my work this year has been so much more (more everything really: greater, more specific, bolder) with her on my team. and she introduced me to DOUGH as a tool for meetings and brainstorming.
- i became a sort-of groupie for my friend Megan (or should I say Chenot?)'s awesome brother/sister band, Misson 0. they are the coolest. you should definitely check them out. take a moment and come back. google is your friend. also, robots!
- i planned an awesome bridal shower (my first!) for my dear, darling friend Deena. it was an ice cream social/tea party. held in Sunnie's backyard. and it was a delightful afternoon. i was told i should be a party planner. i don't know about that, but it was loads of fun to do.
- i bought concert tickets on a whim to see Deathcab for Cutie and The Head and The Heart. i didn't have anyone to go with, but i wanted to go, so i bought them. long story short, plans fell through and i didn't have anyone to go with...so i gave them away. well, i sold them, but i haven't been paid for them yet, so i guess i gave them away. this was a bit of a bummer. it was being adventurous to a level i hadn't been before. and i was proud of that. and still a bit sad i didn't go. alas.
- i learned how to turn t-shirts into tank tops-- and i've done it about 4 times now. it's pretty nifty. thanks, pinterest.
- i got instagram and have slowly figured it and hashtags out. this was definitely a process. we had an instagram campaign attached to Midsummer with #dramaticpenguins and took selfie break during final rehearsal (a great way to redirect focus when people keep playing on their phones). this is particularly exciting because i am launching an instagram campaign for st. pjs called #185actofkidness (or #185acts) to link up to celebrating our 185th anniversary. much more on this later.
- and finally, i started going to therapy with #hulkhusband. we were noticing that his ptsd, my seasonal depression, and the like was getting in the way, especially in our communicating. so, we've had a couple of sessions-- and have learned to be more intentional with each other. the one thing we were told is there is an obvious amount of love between the two of us. i have been given some options for therapy for myself, and i'm thinking i will probably look into it more after vacation. it helps. there's a blog post here to, but more later. (i've said that a lot, huh? guess i just have to follow through and i have my next 10 or so blog posts).
all in all, not a bad year, 26. here's to 27!